Tuesday, May 13, 2008

There is a difference, but what is it??

I have to pose a question concerning something that I have recently been forced to face. What is the true difference between a "soul mate" and a "kindred spirit"??
I believe that a kindred spirit is someone with whom you feel an almost immediate connection. Someone who is very much your "same kind of weird". These are your best friends that you can be your family, someone you work with, play with, and socialize. People you enjoy. Kindred spiritedness is timeless. I feel that I am a kindred spirit with many people, where commonality knows no bounds. The more you know them, the more kindred you become. It is as if you were destined to know eachother. It was in the grand design that you meet.
I feel that soulmates are everything a kindred spirit is, with added elements of depth and understanding. Can you only have ONE soulmate? As I have pondered that point, I want to say no, that you can have many, but not as many as the number of kindred spirits you encounter. I think it probably happens one at a time though. While you can have hundreds and probably thousands of kindred spirited people that drift in and out of your life, a soulmate is someone who is especially special for an extended period of time. Added to that is the concept of the "soul twin". What of that? How does that differ from a kindred spirit? I think a soul twin is wedged somewhere between a kindred spirit and a soulmate. All of these seem to leave that perverbial footprint on your heart on the path of life, that leaves you a changed person from the moment you met them on, into other paths....but what happens when you venture into a seperate course, somewhat resembling a paradime shift; for example: Marraige, Divorce, a career change, a change of physical location, serious illness, a death, a new life...What happens to your kindred spirits....your soul twins, your soulmates? Do they disappear? I don't think so. I believe they are always with you, even if you don't see them for a long time, or even if you don't ever get to see them again in this life. But what is the true difference? Kindred spirit, vs. Soul Twin, vs. Soul Mate. Please, enlighten me. I feel an almost desperate, urgent NEED to understand this.


Anonymous said...

Lianna, I believe a kindred spirit is the one that looks heavenward at the same time you do because of a familiar whisper of wind or song of a bird. The chords of their heart sings in melody with your own. The depths of the songs go beyond this world's ability to produce.

I believe a soul mate is someone who aches when you are not there, or looks up from a good book because they thought they heard your voice. A soul mate loves you no matter what tries to seperate you: time, space, or experience.

A soul twin mirrors you in all the important ways of life that it is as if you were reborn.


Nan's bloggifieds said...

WOW Slade, that is truly profound!! Thank you for that!!! I feel a lot that same way as well. Thank you so much for your insight!