Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This is what happened to me TODAY!!!

So here's something...I'm in the parking lot at Harmon's after just picking up some milk and depositing some cash into my bank account. It's raining, and a little darker than usual at 4:30 p.m. When to my complete surprise, a man in a black leather jacket walks up to me, puts his hand in the pocket of his black leather jacket and in kind of a whispered tone he says "Ma'am...." at that second, I about swallow my tongue and peed myself at the same time thinking "oh crap, of all the days to get mugged at gunpoint, this is MY day". I'm friggin' terrified! Fight or flight kicks in, and I am actually frozen!
You know what he pulls out of his pocket? He pulls out home made earrings trying to sell them! I was LIVID!!! I said "absolutely not! I'm sorry, but NO!" and I all but leap in my car and get out of there as fast as I can.
Man! I miss the days when people came up to you in the Wal-mart parking lot with a PLASTIC BAG in their hands trying to sell you home made Tamales!!! At least you could SEE what was coming!
I can GUARANTEE if my husband would have been with me, that guy wouldn't have even DARED to come near me! Arghhhhh!!!
THEN to add insult to injury, I go into another store and see these signs for sale that say "Why am I always flypaper for freaks?" Hellooooooo...I invented the phrase "flypaper for freaks"! Where is my cut of THAT profit? Huh??? I leave the house for the 1st time in 2 days and this is what I get? MAN! I'm kidding, I probably heard that phrase years ago and stole it, but that had to have been about 20 years ago...lol.
HOWEVER, before I went out I DID make THE best cookies. Chocolate chip cookies (MY chocolate chip cookies) where the chips are a peanut butter/milk chocolate swirl, and THEN I used my double boiler to melt MORE regular chocolate chips, and I "glazed" the cookies with a thin coat of melted milk chocolate...Yummmmmm! The chocolate on top was my husbands idea, so I have to give him some credit...They were SO yummy!!!
Whew! what a day!


Mark and Jana said...

Oh my heck! That's crazy. I'm glad you were safe!!!!

Anonymous said...

Harmon's? Does that mean you live in Utah? Where do you live because those cookies sound AMAZING! I'm coming over! That does sound like a scary experience though. I'm still wary of the "big city". I won't even open the door unless my husband is home. By the way, I saw the pictures from your wedding it you look so gorgeous! My dad said the ceremony was beautiful. (Late) congratulations! I was just snooping around on facebook and I realized all of the Byingtons really need to get together more often, there are spouses and kids I didn't even know existed!

Nan's bloggifieds said...

Whitney!!! Oh my gosh, I didn't even remember that was your last name! Yup, I live in Taylorsville just off of 4500 South. Sister, you can come over any ol' time!
I have lived here in Utah for the past 6+ years. I can hardly believe it has been that long! I work for the University of Utah hospital. Wow! it is amazing how much I have distanced myself from the whole family. I need to keep updated on things.

Nan's bloggifieds said...

LOL You know me Jana...flypaper for freaks!!! I SO am! I just don't know how I attract them. Is there a certain pungent scent I put off that I am not aware of that ONLY the crazies can smell? LOL I don't EVEN know, but it has happened to me all my life! It happens to my Mom too!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hello, I am David's cousin, Stephanie. In the spirit of F.P.F.F., I was told once I was a "Letch Magnet" F.P.F.F. is so much better! :)

Nan's bloggifieds said...

LOL poor you!!! Nice to meet you btw. Yeah, I have been F.P.F.F. my whole life. In the spirit of acronyms, here's another one. When I would tell people about my crazy experiences with anyone, not just men, I would refer to them as PLFA's (Psycho-Lunatic-Fatal-Attraction), or CCFCCP (Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs) LOL. I have a bunch of them! I love the "Letch Magnet" though. Very "Mod".