Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Please Hear Me

Please Hear Me
in response to all who I am sure to disappoint, but who continue to try and prove me wrong.
"We" could never happen 'cause
I'm SO MUCH NOT your taste
If you ever wanted to
I'd quickly be replaced
Not because I think I'm not
Quite good enough for you
Your whole life would have to change
Impossible to
Nothing is impossible
If you want it bad enough
You've earned your way, to go, to play
With me it'd be SO tough
But something pulls us closer to
A place I do no know
We want to go together yet
I'm SO afraid to show
Show up and meet you at the start
You say you'll help me run
And climb, and leap, and jump, and bound
You say it will be fun
What you don't know is I've done those things
All through my life
JUST to survive! I'm tired now
Go find another wife
I KNOW you think it pessimist
It's real as real can be
I WANT those things, 'cause I want you
I have NO energy.
I cannot just "invent the will"
If I would "just try hard"
You'd soon come home to find that I
Was buried in your yard
"She couldn't do all that he wanted"
Written on the stone
So save yourself the trouble PLEASE
Leave "loving me" alone.
This piece of writing was inspired out of the angst and frustration for those who think they can change me in certain ways. They do not know all the information, and even if they do, they do not understand it. I know the areas where I can do more, be better, and where I can take a risk. My WHOLE LIFE is a risk. That is nonnegotiable, it is IS a risk. Luckily I am one of those who IS a risk taker, but most of the time I know when NOT to jump off a building. There are a few people in my life who have an understanding of what it is like to be me. Not because they have the same type of life that I do, but because they have lived with me for long enough, and gone through enough garbage WITH ME that they respect my limits. I thank them for that.
This is all in relation TO relationships. No one is going to fix me. No one is going to solve this brokenness. It's just not going to happen. I appreciate those people who know me, who know my strengths, and weaknesses, and downfalls, and shortcomings, and choose to love me in spite of all of them. I love them for providing me that allowance. I am not saying that I know everything, or that I refuse to try new things, or different things....not at all, I just know that there are certain things that will NEVER change. Certain risks I can NEVER take, and certain paths that I will NEVER go down for "the fun of it". Life experience has taught me a lot about what happens when I ignore those instinctual signals....that little "I don't think that's a good idea" prompting. I am SURE I will continue to make mistakes, mess up, and pay for my mess ups.
I am SURE there is still plenty of room for me to take a risk, try something new, chance my benefit of doubt. I just feel that I will truly not be "good enough" for some people. Some men. And that is O.K. It really is. This is not a dig on my own self esteem, self worth, or self confidence. That is not it at all. I am just saying that right now...I know my limits, and for the people (men) who think they can "help me" extend those limits before I am ready for is simple, I WILL STOP, and let you, and if I must, MAKE you....walk away. Just some thoughts....

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